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Welcome parishioners to our January newsletter. Changes are happening on a daily basis right now, so please keep an eye on your emails from the church leaders or phone calls to keep you up to date with the services and events.

Past Events:

Church On-Line Auction Fundraiser: Thank you to everyone who donated their time, talents and items to our first On-Line Auction! It was a success, and the ACW were able to raise over $700.

Current Events and Outreach:

Annual Vestry Meeting: The date is January 30th. All church books must be audited and all reports submitted by January 16th. Please watch for information as to time and it will be by zoom.

Did you know that our LITTLE church is getting attention from the BIG Church House!! Bishop Todd has asked us to video and submit to him how we handle using the individual cups! He acknowledges that things are changing and was impressed with how we made the individual cups stay within the tradition of communion wine coming from the common cup! Stay tuned to how this will all play out for us in the near future! Way to think outside the box but within the boundaries of our Anglican traditions!

Gift Cards: Thanks to Deb for continuing this roof fundraiser for us! Watch for notice for the next one on February 27th!

Bottle Drive: We will also be doing a second Bottle Drive in March or April so save up those empties for us and watch for the official date in the next newsletters.

Church On-Line Auction Fundraiser: Thank you to everyone who donated their time, talents and items to our first On-Line Auction! A special shout out to Cindy for her tech skills, it was a success!! The ACW were able to raise $761.00.

Terri Philpott has started our very own grocery shopping and delivery program, so far everything is running smoothly. Deliveries will be made every Wednesday but your order must be in by MONDAY at 3PM. Judy Lehman has offered to help take orders as well. If you think you would benefit from this service, please call Terri for all the details at 519-274-0123. Thank you for setting this up Terri and to all your volunteers who are helping to shop and deliver.

Blankets, Sleeping Bags, Socks: Rev. Stephen is working directly with a gentleman, known as Biggie T, who is in direct contact with the homeless in Stratford. They are still in need of these items. If you have any extras hanging around in your linen closet, please let us know and you can drop them off at the church or we can arrange a porch pick up. Call Gail at 519-301-2992.

Community Pantry: Now that the temperature is getting colder, our needs for the pantry have changed. We will need items such as hand warmers, hats, mitts, socks, bar soap, razors, feminine products or any other items that are not temperature sensitive. If you want to donate any of these items or give a cash donation for them to be purchased, we can do a porch pick up by calling Dennise 519-274-2277 or Cindy at 519-505-1590. Thank you to all who are supporting this outreach program

Sunday School: Unfortunately because of the current Covid situation, Sunday School will be cancelled until further notice. The safety of our vulnerable parishioners is of most importance.

You Tube Channel: Did you know that you can view our services on our very own You Tube channel? You can find them by googling St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Stratford or linking to Voila! Thank you Cait! They will continue to be recorded and uploaded each week so that we can share our services with our shut ins and others who can’t be with us or don’t feel safe enough to join us in person.

Late breaking news – The leadership at St. Stephen’s has decided to suspend in-person church services until further notice. Steve’s Café will once again open up each Sunday morning online at 10:30 starting this Sunday. Rev. Stephen will send out a link each Sunday before the Café opens.

Annual Vestry Meeting- January 30th– Time of Zoom Meeting TBA